[Qgis-user] Print composer,

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 05:48:58 PDT 2015

Hello Jürg,

You probably have turned the Filter option On. The index is not working
properly and you will instead edit another entry.
To edit the legend entrys, turn it Off temporarily

Hope it helps,

Alexandre Neto

Em qua, 16 de set de 2015 às 07:26, Juerg Lindauer <Juerg.Lindauer at sz.ch>

> Hi
> I'm trying to relabel the legend entries in the print composer. Normaly
> it works fine, but when the legend entry is categorized i'm not able to
> relabel some entries.
> I select the legend entry, push the button to edit the labelling. The
> window will be opened and i make the change. Closing the window with ok
> but nothing appears. Somtimes not the selected entry is changed but the
> entry above.
> Does anbody has a hint? Or is it bug?
> Thanks...
> Jürg
> QGIS 2.8.3 on Windows 7
> Amt für Landwirtschaft
> Abt. Agrarmassnahmen und Bodenrecht
> Hirschistrasse 15
> Postfach 5182
> 6431 Schwyz
> Telefon: 041 819 15 17
> Telefax: 041 819 15 19
> E-Mail: juerg.lindauer at sz.ch
> Internet: www.sz.ch/landwirtschaft
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