[Qgis-user] QuickMapServices plugin-lost the ArcGIS button upon reinstall of QGIS 2.10

Patty Rehn quicksilversystems at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 07:56:41 PDT 2015

I agree that the QuickMapServices plugin is the answer to basemap imagery.
I had been using the ESRI world imagery as a basemap. Superior to Google
since there is no registration problem with other data layers as there is
with the
GE imagery. Additionally, there seems to be no restriction for
noncommercial data
use as with GE, provided the data is credited to ESRI.

However, I managed to somehow corrupt the 2.10 original install-something
to do with
the style manager/color ramps. After several very tedious attempts to do
clean installs
I finally managed to get 2.10 to run again.

Unfortunately, the QuickMapServices button for the ESRI data no longer
I did find the same imagery through the ArcGIS REST API Connector plugin.

My existing projects still have the "ArcGIS Online Imagery" layer created
through the
lost plugin that is functional. Both this layer and the REST basemaps are
from the

I am very new to QGIS, so I learned too late where to find the traceback
so as to provide further info about the corruption of my original 2.10,
which had the
QMS ESRI button. This post is just to provide an imagery suggestion and to
the bug? (which I did not report formally) with the disappearing QMS ESRI

Thank you to all of you who continue to provide and support such a superior
GIS application as QGIS.

Patty Rehn
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