[Qgis-user] how open/manage .raw data

Carmine Massarelli carmine.massarelli at ba.irsa.cnr.it
Wed Sep 23 01:05:50 PDT 2015

They are from CASI iperspectral sensor, at the moment the only way is to 
use ITRES software to create a  .pix or  .tif.


Il 09/22/2015 07:04 PM, Alex M ha scritto:
> On 09/22/2015 08:53 AM, Carmine Massarelli wrote:
>> Dear,
>> is it possible to open/manage /.raw/  data in qgis?
>> Thanks
>> Carmine
> Please clarify what you mean by .raw files? Are you referring to images
> taken with a DSLR camera?
> Thanks,
> Alex


Dr. Nat. Carmine Massarelli, Ph.D. / Technologist
carmine.massarelli at ba.irsa.cnr.it <mailto:carmine.massarelli at ba.irsa.cnr.it>

National Research Council - Institute of Water Research
Mob: +39 339 32 57 311
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