[Qgis-user] Error when "save as" the dataset

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 08:33:41 PDT 2015


I notice that in the qgis 2.10.
When try to export using "save as" a shapefile.

I have an error from ogr:

Esportazione nel file vettoriale fallita.
Errore: Errori nella scrittura dell'elemento:
Geometria dell'elemento non importata (errore OGR: )
Geometria dell'elemento non importata (errore OGR: )
Geometria dell'elemento non importata (errore OGR: )

In english

Exportation in the vector file faildes
Error: errors in the write:
Geometry of the elements not imported (OGR error).

I notice also that if I select a few elements and repeat the save-as
using ony selected elements.
All go ok.

Instead if I select ALL the elements of the dataset and try the export with
save-a (using selection)
have again the ogr error.

Perhaps a memory error ?

I'm use wndows 7 and qgis-2.10 32bit.

Should I open a ticket for qgis 2.10 ?


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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