[Qgis-user] QGIS users in Southeastern New England, US

Phil (The Geek) Wyatt phil at wyatt-family.com
Sat Apr 2 16:16:37 PDT 2016

Hi there Michael,

I would also suggest checking with local not for profit organisations, especially those with an environmental background. I volunteer (in Australia) with one such organisation and they are just keen to get things mapped regardless of how it's produced. They are also more likely to take up Open Source (free) software as they are normally not as well funded. The other area is humanitarian organisations like Red Cross. With them you can be exposed to both local and international mapping and they regularly operate across many platforms.

Cheers - Phil

-----Original Message-----
From: Qgis-user [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Michael Callahan
Sent: Sunday, 3 April 2016 2:35 AM
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Qgis-user] QGIS users in Southeastern New England, US

I'm in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, US where we are very behind on use of Open Source Software. I'm looking for other users of QGIS, and the towns and non-profits I've spoken to around here are entrenched with proprietary software. 

I'm pursuing a certificate in GIS. I switched to Linux over a decade ago (mostly Ubuntu now). I'm looking to do an optional, unpaid internship to pick up experience, and I'm having trouble finding any company or government body here that uses QGIS or even knows what it or FOSS or Linux is.

I've tried contacting a few of the speakers that will be at the inaugural users meeting in DC. (That is something I just cannot get to.) The College has tried reaching out to a few groups too, without success.

I'm open to suggestions, but would much rather use my learning QGIS than proprietary software, which I think is a step backwards. While class refuses to do anything but ESRI, I've been using my off-time to learn QGIS from the online videos that the community has produced. 

With gratitude to the community //mc
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