[Qgis-user] Problem adding WFS Layer

Lene Fischer lfi at ign.ku.dk
Thu Apr 7 02:02:10 PDT 2016

Hi Tim,
What about your projection EPSG in the database - are they the same?
In my settings I have set CRS to "Promt for CRS for new layers" then I can choose the right projection.

Lene Fischer

Fra: Qgis-user [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] På vegne af Tim Semmelhaack
Sendt: 7. april 2016 10:52
Til: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Emne: [Qgis-user] Problem adding WFS Layer


I try to add a WFS-Layer to QGIS (2.14.1) from a Geoserver (2.7.5) (Multilinestring) but the lines are going to strange Coordinates.

The WFS is generated from a Postgis-table.

The Layer Preview in Geoserver looks normal


Any ideas?

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