[Qgis-user] Edit attribute table rows

Lester Anderson arctica1963 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 04:18:40 PDT 2016


I have an attribute table of earthquake data (focal mechanism beach
balls) and need to edit the depth attribute. Each ball is defined by
two rows in the table, eg first ball

Row_ID Strike Dip Rake Magnitude Quadrant Depth
0 NULL NULL NULL NULL Tensional and Compressional NULL
1 233 38 -96 6.77 Compressional 623
2 NULL NULL NULL NULL Tensional and Compressional NULL
3 68 36 83 5.7 Compressional 39

where rows 0,1 and 2,3 represent separate beach balls, so basically it
is a row calculation

What I need to do is replace the Depth NULL value with the depth 623
etc for each entry. Is there an easy way of doing this?



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