[Qgis-user] working with rasters

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Mon Apr 11 04:03:53 PDT 2016

Try to figure out exactly why you are getting the error from Maxent.  Does that software only use raster with identical pixel size and layer extent? If it's the pixels that don't align, that may be fixed with various tools in the Qgis raster menu (like gdal warp), or by just changing a few parameters under the "save menu".  Be wary of the impact this can have on the data.  You could just change the extent of the raster by adding empty pixels or by clipping down the others.  Try to get Maxent to work first with dummy data if needed. 
If you want  info on how to make a new raster, you need to explain with what kind of data you are working with.  Are you working with point data?  Be more specific please. 

On Apr 11, 2016 04:05, "Geraud C. Tasse [via OSGeo.org]	" <ml-node+s1560n5260599h30 at n6.nabble.com> wrote: 

	Hi,  I intend to perform an ENM for the puddle frog Phrynobatrachus auritus. I got a set of raster layers from worldclim that I clipped with a mask of my study area. I performed a PCA on them before putting them together with other rasters to run the ENM. Unfortunately, the layers do no more fit to each other and I keep receiving an error message from Maxent. I am thinking to create another raster for each of layer with a bigger extend and drop the data into the new layer before clipping it again with the mask, however I can not figure out how to create raster in QGIS.  Please can someone share hi/her experience with me? Thanks Geraud     -- Geraud C. T. Tasse, M.Sc. Graduate Research Fellow Laboratory for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology Department of Zoology and Animal Physiology University of Buea P.O.Box 320 Buea, Cameroon Tel: (237) 676 558 991 Lab: (237) 233 323 225 Skype: geraudtasse Alternative e-mail: [hidden email] web page : http://www.caballiance.org/students.html ("The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man." ~ Charles Darwin!) _______________________________________________
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