[Qgis-user] QGIS Webclient - "shortname"-Tag

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Apr 15 03:31:34 PDT 2016


There will be a start-workshop next week (Monday). It has been decided
to develop QWCII from scratch and use ReactJS and OL3. It will be a
while until it reaches feature parity with QWCI and the OL3-mobile

So - until then there will still be some development on QWC I - but most
likely no big things. 



On 2016-04-15 12:20, Otto Dassau wrote:

> Hi,
> AFAIK there are plans for a QWC II, but it is unclear when it will be
> "released" as official successor. And I don't know either, if any concrete
> development has already started or if there is a roadmap available. Currently
> it seems to be a lot of testing and playing around with several solutions
> and looking for funding - is that correct?
> So to me QWC I is still alive and people develope on it.
> Regards,
> Otto 
> Am Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:29:09 +0200
> schrieb Nicolas Boisteault <boisteault at observatoire-environnement.org>:
> Hi,
> QGIS Webclient is still developed. See activity here : 
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Web-Client/commits/master
> Développeur Web
> Observatoire Régional de l'Environnement
> Téléport 4 Antarès - BP 50163 - 86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex
> Tél : 05 49 49 71 18
> Le 15/04/2016 11:18, Burghardt.Scholle at stadt.wolfsburg.de a écrit : Hi,
> since QGIS WebClient is no longer being developed, I would like to point
> out a small workaround. Current QGIS versions use the tag <shortname>...
> </shortname> in the QGIS project file. If you load a data source
> multiple times, the shortname remains the same. Thus the wcl has
> difficulties and does not show the affected layer. If you delete the
> shortname in a text editor, the layers are drawn again.
> Hope this helps someone else too.
> Regards,
> Burghardt
> ***************
> Stadt Wolfsburg
> Geschäftsbereich IT - 15-3 GIS
> Rathaus E, Zi. E403, Porschestraße 47A, D-38440 Wolfsburg
> Tel +49 5361 28-2531
> Fax +49 5361 28-1765
> mailto:burghardt.scholle at stadt.wolfsburg.de

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