[Qgis-user] Problems with Spatialite

Árni Geirsson arni at alta.is
Wed Apr 27 05:02:42 PDT 2016

Dear QGIS users
When developing spatial data in QGIS, i.e. building data sets by adding
features and occasionally adding attributes, it appears to me that there
are three basic storage options available.
1) The ubiquitous but fossilized Shapefile format
2) PostgreSQL/PostGIS
3) Spatialite
I use all three and the first two work well but there is certain pain in
using Spatialite that I would like to bring up in this forum to see if
there are other ways that I have missed. I would like to be able to use
Spatialite to keep multiple datasets in one database file for clean and
simple storage and backups, plus the database functionality. This pain with
Spatialite for me is however the following:
a) Adding columns seems to be problematic, new columns do not appear when
the layer is added to QGIS. This seems to be an old problem but I have not
seen a solution.
b) Fetching data from a Spatialite database stored on my NAS box is much
slower than when it is stored on the local computer. In a workgroup, shared
storage such as a NAS box is a necessity.
Now my question is: Are there solutions to this or are there formats other
than these three that people are using for data set development in QGIS,
that I have missed?

Arni Geirsson
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