[Qgis-user] Problems with Spatialite

Árni Geirsson arni at alta.is
Wed Apr 27 05:47:30 PDT 2016

Thanks Micha, but unfortunately this does not help in my case.


Árni Geirsson
*Alta ehf* // +354 582 5000 // +354 897 9549
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On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il> wrote:

> As for you point a) I think that this thread on the Spatialite-users
> maillist might be relevant:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/spatialite-users/uGDZr1TCTn8
> The solution is to run the SQL function SELECT UpdateLayerStatistics();
> after adding columns. I believe this has been incorporated into late
> versions of QGIS.
> On 04/27/2016 03:02 PM, Árni Geirsson wrote:
> ------ Original Message ------ Subject: [Qgis-user] Problems with
> Spatialite Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 12:02:42 +0000 To: Qgis-user From: Árni
> Geirsson
> Dear QGIS users
> When developing spatial data in QGIS, i.e. building data sets by adding
> features and occasionally adding attributes, it appears to me that there
> are three basic storage options available.
> 1) The ubiquitous but fossilized Shapefile format
> 2) PostgreSQL/PostGIS
> 3) Spatialite
> I use all three and the first two work well but there is certain pain in
> using Spatialite that I would like to bring up in this forum to see if
> there are other ways that I have missed. I would like to be able to use
> Spatialite to keep multiple datasets in one database file for clean and
> simple storage and backups, plus the database functionality. This pain with
> Spatialite for me is however the following:
> a) Adding columns seems to be problematic, new columns do not appear when
> the layer is added to QGIS. This seems to be an old problem but I have not
> seen a solution.
> b) Fetching data from a Spatialite database stored on my NAS box is much
> slower than when it is stored on the local computer. In a workgroup, shared
> storage such as a NAS box is a necessity.
> Now my question is: Are there solutions to this or are there formats other
> than these three that people are using for data set development in QGIS,
> that I have missed?
> Arni Geirsson
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> Micha Silver
> Arava Drainage Authority
> +972-523-665918
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