[Qgis-user] pgRoutingLayer plugin missing ConnectionManager

McDonaldR McDonaldR at angus.gov.uk
Mon Aug 15 06:18:44 PDT 2016

Thanks Ko

I uninstalled and reinstalled and rebooted and then I found the remnants of another version of the plugin in the directory.  I deleted that and restarted and it all works now.  Must have been a clash somewhere.

Thanks for your pointers.



-----Original Message-----
From: nagase at georepublic.de [mailto:nagase at georepublic.de] On Behalf Of Ko Nagase
Sent: 03 August 2016 00:15
To: McDonaldR; qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] pgRoutingLayer plugin missing ConnectionManager

Hi Ross,

I tried to install pgRoutingLayer on my following desktop environment, but I couldn't reproduce the issue.

OS version: Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64 bit) QGIS version: 2.16.1 (32 bit, Standalone Installer Version) Python version: Python 2.7.4 (default, Apr  6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC
v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Could you try to uninstal => install pgRoutingLayer plugin, once ?
And if there is still problem after that, could you create a new GitHub issue from the following link ?



2016-08-02 23:24 GMT+09:00 McDonaldR <McDonaldR at angus.gov.uk>:
> I’ve just tried to install the new version of the pgRoutingLayer
> plugin and get the following error:
> The plugin is broken. Python said:
> ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘ConnectionManager’
> Enabling the plugin in QGIS returns:
> Couldn't load plugin pgRoutingLayer due to an error when calling its
> classFactory() method
> Anyone else had this same issue?  Got a fix?
> I’m running with:
> Python version: 2.7.4 (default, Apr  6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC v.1500 32
> bit (Intel)] QGIS version: 2.16.1-Nødebo Nødebo, 8545b3b
> Thanks
> Ross
> Ross McDonald | GIS Data Coordinator | Resources Department, IT
> Division | Angus Council, Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park,
> Forfar, DD8 1AT
> T: 01307 476419 | F: 01307 476401 | E: mcdonaldr at angus.gov.uk
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Ko Nagase (長瀬 興)
Georepublic Japan
mail: nagase at georepublic.co.jp
web: http://georepublic.co.jp

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