[Qgis-user] Drones in forestry

Leknín Řepánek godzilalalala at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 12:53:24 PST 2016

Look at this

Suite from create outputs from drone/kite/baloon

On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 04:55:30PM +0000, Alejandro Chamizo de Castro wrote:
> Hello Piort,
> In my opinion everything depends on the surface extensions. Flying an extension
> of 500 ha with a multi-rotor drone would be practically unfeasible, would
> consume many batteries, for those surfaces are recommended fixed-wing drones
> capable of flying surfaces up to 1000 ha in a single flight, some have up to an
> hour of autonomy, but these drones are out of your budget, cost more than 2000
> $
> If the surfaces are very extensive, it would be better idea to think of
> satellite images as the colleage said, you could study if you serve the images
> of Sentinel-2, with resolution of 10m, are free.
> ● Enviado con Mailtrack
> *
> 2016-12-01 15:46 GMT+00:00 Piotr Kania <p.kania at op.pl>:
>     Hi!
>     I'm sorry if my question is out of the main topics - my current employer
>     would like to buy drone. They would like to use it for "registration" such
>     things as (for example) - small areas without trees in dense forest, that
>     were cut (it's not a national park, but normal typical forest -> so here we
>     have timber harvest etc.); here is link to Google Maps, that shows what I
>     mean -
>     https://goo.gl/maps/iEPchbrTYyQ2
>     Normally I (or someone else) must walk with gps receiver, then digitize
>     that "holes" in qgis. The idea is to use drone for that - and here is my
>     question - what would you recommend? - I know the max. acceptable price is
>     about 2300 usd, but it's better to assume 1200 usd. I think my employer
>     would be already happy if such "drone" just make aerial photos that can be
>     used for mapping, I don't think that my company would like to have some 3d
>     data (DEM, DSM).
>     Thanks for any hints
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