[Qgis-user] spatialjoin

Erwan Conseil erwanconseil at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 22:24:52 PST 2016

In my layer B , I have the name of the owner and the number of the parcel : this number , a polygon , have a WKT location . All this is in a SHP . As I grab points in layer A directly in Qgis (2.18) , I have also a SHP . And i need a dynamic join because I have no desire to make the spatial join each time...

> Le 21 déc. 2016 à 01:30, Randal Hale <rjhale at northrivergeographic.com> a écrit :
> In your layer B - Do the Names of the Owners have a location (like a tax parcel) or are they a spreadsheet (like Microsoft Excel)?
> Randy
>> On 12/20/2016 06:03 PM, Laurent Bourlet wrote:
>> Hi at all
>> I'm a beginner in Qgis and i would make a dynamic spatialjoin.
>> In fact , i have created a vector layer ( for example  A) and i grab points in it when I'm outdoor ( these points are buildings unknowned by the government and so these building are not taxed ...) . I have also a layer (B) with the name of the owners of these lands .
>> You see what i would ?...
>> I would have these names transferred as attribut from B to A .
>> For that , i think about a spatialjoin with a dynamic feature . So i have downloaded the two plugins "reffunction" and "spatialjoin".
>> But i have certainly maked something wrong because i don't succeed ...
>> Is it the good method ?
>> And If yes , and if exist a doc about these plugins ...i'll take it :-))
>> regards
>> Laurent
>> ( pour les francophones ...je repère et saisis des points représentants  des batiments construits et visibles par Google Map mais inconnus par le cadastre et donc les impôts ...je voudrais donc enrichir la couche de saisie par les références des parcelles et les noms des propriétaires par une jointure spatiale dynamique ..à chaque point saisi , "monte" cette référence )
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> Randal Hale
> North River Geographic Systems, Inc
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