[Qgis-user] DWG import

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Sat Dec 31 09:47:15 PST 2016

Hi Randal,

I do not use the DWG import tool so there may be a switch or an option  that I do not know of.  I generally export from AutoCAD Map3D with to option to export the z to a column.  The reality is that most AutoCAD drawing (cities plans, architectural drawings)  are still exclusively done in 2D and z is very often a simple texte value with a point symbole.  That may be your case... When you export that, the problem is that the z value point is a label and will systematically be beside the true measurement. You could fix that with some vector manipulations...

Good luck

> Le 31 déc. 2016 à 09:25, Randal Hale [via OSGeo.org] <ml-node+s1560n5301684h65 at n6.nabble.com> a écrit :
> I've been testing the DWG Import - one question. I imported a 3D DWG 
> file and all the data data is imported (yay) but there isn't a elevation 
> attached anywhere. Is it hidden somewhere or not imported? I really 
> think I'm missing a step - possibly. 
> Randy 
> -- 
> ----------------- 
> Randal Hale 
> North River Geographic Systems, Inc 
> http://www.northrivergeographic.com
> 423.653.3611 [hidden email] 
> twitter:rjhale 
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