[Qgis-user] Print Composer: formatting UTM coordinates

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Feb 11 02:43:31 PST 2016


Hi Uwe, 

First - you can set the "Koordinatengenauigkeit" (coordinate accuracy or
something similar in english) to zero for UTM grid. 

QGIS is super flexible regarding formatting of map grids. You can use
the full-power of the QGIS expressions to format your grid. But it is
your task to do the Expression correctly. Just set the format to "user
defined" and use the "E" (Epsilon) button next to the format selection

Specifically have a look at the round/format_number functions and string
manipulation. If that isn't good enough you can even do you own Python

The only issues is that you need a relatively recent QGIS version >= 2.8
(I think) for that. 

Hope this helps to get started. 


On 2016-02-11 11:27, Uwe Fischer wrote: 

> Hi list, 
> does anybody know a way to get custom formatted UTM coordinates in a grid frame around the map? I have tested all the options in print composer and yet could not find what I am looking for. The problem is that UTM coordinates have 6 to 8 digits that don't change much along a large scale map (eg 1:10.000). That results in ugly long, bad readable numbers with changes only in their middle digits and with many trailing zeros at the right. 
> It would be nice to have a number format like in older german topographic maps, that is: printing the leftmost digits („big values") just once at the map corners (or when they change), formatted as smaller superscript index. Printing the interesting middle digits with only one decimal at every tick mark (eg every 500 meters). Avoiding trailing zeroes. I hope that describes what I mean. 
> Any suggestions? Thanks a lot! 
> Regards, Uwe 
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