[Qgis-user] Add SVG As Vector Layer

David A. Riggs david.a.riggs at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 20:57:25 PST 2016

I'm working with cave maps and the sketch drawings from which they are
made. We digitally draft the sketches in-cave, and the resultant file is a
layered SVG file (using some XML tricks so that both Adobe Illustrator and
Inkscape recognize "layers", something not actually built into the SVG
specification itself). We then produce a vector representation of the
survey in SVG, draft the working map in SVG using the survey and sketches,
and then subsequently "morph" the vector nodes in the SVG working map as
later surveys shift portions that change due to error correction of the

I'd like to be able to import these georeferenced SVG files into QGIS as
either a single vector layer, or - in an ideal world - as with their
non-standard SVG layers imported as independent vector layers in QGIS. As
far as I can tell, there is no standard (or non-standard) for
georeferencing an SVG file such that QGIS could recognize it!

The OGR docs mention a specific product's version of SVG, in a fixed CRS,
which they support for reading. It looks like this product is "Cloudmade
Vector Stream Server", which appears to be a dead web service?


Does anyone have more information on ways to directly georeference an SVG
file for import as a QGIS vector layer? Perhaps using a VRT?

Note that converting to DXF or some _other_ format is not what I'm asking


- DR

David A. Riggs <david.a.riggs at gmail.com>
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