[Qgis-user] CRS transformations
Neil B
osgeo+qgis at benneb.ca
Sat Jan 2 11:16:38 PST 2016
Hi Peter,
The US-ft equivalent to UTM style zone projection is called BLM which
stands for Bureau of Land Management.
The EPSG codes for Zone 12 that you would be looking for in QGIS are 4412
for NAD27 and 4432 for NAD83.
As Randal had mentioned, using BLM coordinates can cause headaches if a
program is expecting UTM coordinates as the unit of measure for UTM is the
metre. If the program is only asking for X,Y coordinates and gives you the
option to define the unit of measure then there should be no issues.
Just a heads up to check your data that you have received from the local
government. If it is NAD27 coordinates then it should be in US-ft. If it is
NAD83, then it should be in International feet as that is what State law
has defined as the unit of measure.
~Neil B.
On 29 December 2015 at 18:24, Peter Kroopnick <pete at kroopnick.com> wrote:
> I am trying to convert a shp file received from local government in State
> Plane (us-ft) coordinates to UTM (us-ft) coordinates. I cannot find a
> pre-defined UTM in ft for Arizona, USA.
> Here is what I get when selecting NAD 83(HARM) UTM:
> +proj=utm +zone=12 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
> Note the result is in meters. How do I convert to feet. I have tried
> pasting the above into the user defined CRS, changing m to ft, but get a
> coordinate rotation along with the switch from x,y to y,x.
> Once converted, I then need to export (save as a shape file) in the new
> coordinate system.
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks
> Pete Kroopnick
> 2457 Desert Willow Dr.
> Prescott, AZ 86301
> Home: 928-227-0223
> Cell: 602-628-3351
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