[Qgis-user] Backing up GIS Data

ThomasD ThomasD.mailinglists at gmx.de
Fri Jul 15 00:47:00 PDT 2016

Hi Tyler

I have only little experience with PG backups - but I can emphasize from 
that little that it is very helpful to use pg_dump regulary. Better 
don't rely on backups of your datadirectory. Although have in mind, that 
after a crash you might use different computers. It might help, when 
these are tested for successful restore/rollback in advance.

Concerning later server versions you might refer to the PG-Groups an 
mailing lists for recent issues. Until now I have restored my database 
(private for birding data) twice with diferent versions aof postgres and 
it worked just fine. But I have functions only written in PL/PGsql. I 
could imagine that you might run into difficulties, when using different 
languages in different server versions like Python2 and Python3. 
Different Path and Variable settings (e.g. locals) might in that case 
also be an issue.


> Hi All;
> I am thinking about getting IT to install PostgreSQL on our server and 
> start moving our GIS Data over to the post database. My concern is 
> backup; we currently backup the whole server onto, what are called 
> "tapes" but I am sure they are not cassettes or the like, anyway twice 
> a day the whole server is copied so we can go back to previous 
> versions of a file or folder to; roll back, restore, or recover. With 
> this in place do I need to setup a separate backup or replication 
> service on the postgre database? Could I just "roll back" using a 
> later server version?
> Well.... I guess this is more of a postgre question and not so much a 
> QGIS one; but I am going to put this out there anyway and if no one 
> can answer I will find another spot.
> Thanks
> Tyler
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