[Qgis-user] Symbol Locations

Tyler Veinot tylerkveinot at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 04:29:41 PDT 2016

Hi All;
I placed a folder full of custom SVG symbols in the QGIS svg folder (same
location where all the other svg symbol files are). I copied this folder to
the same spot on the installs of QGIS on other machines so that when I
share a .qgs file with my co-workers they can see what I see in terms of
symbology. Lately however, me and some co-workers, are getting question
marks where symbols should be.
Just wondering if there is a better way to reference symbols so that one
.qgs map will look the same on multiple PC's?
We all use the same data locations so we don't get missing layer data
errors too often, but the symbols seem to disappear all the time lately.
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