[Qgis-user] increase resolution output.tif gdal-merge

Reginald Carlier Reginald.Carlier at ingelmunster.be
Wed May 11 23:28:19 PDT 2016


I have three geotiffs I created with QGIS 2.14.1. I need to merge them into one file.
So I used gdal_merge:
gdal_merge input1.tif input2.tif input3.tif -o output.tif
As a result I get a notification window that python has crashed and an output file.
When I open the output.tif the resolution is only half as sharp as the input files.
I know that gdal_merge uses the resolution of the first file so I tried gdal_merge in a different order of input files.
The result is that I get the message that python has crashed on 2 of the 3 trials.
The resolution of the outputfile remains the same.
It seems I can adjust the resolution of the outputfile with the ps parameter:
Gdal_merge -ps ? ? input1.tif input2.tif input3.tif -o output.tif
What numbers should I use to double the resolution?
Meanwhile I used the ArcMap Mosaic to raster tool to create an outputfile from the tree input files.
In ArcMap the resolution is OK and the tif displays fine. When I load the output.tif in QGIS only one color of the output.tif is displayed.

Any help?

Reginald Carlier
Deskundige GIS


Gemeente Ingelmunster, Oostrozebekestraat 4, 8770 Ingelmunster
T +32 51 33 74 39 www.ingelmunster.be<http://www.ingelmunster.be>
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