[Qgis-user] many-to-one relationships: add new parent within the child form

Mihai Terente terenteml at gmail.com
Sun May 15 19:01:48 PDT 2016

Hello everyone,

Is there a way to create parent features within a child form in 
many-to-one relationships?

For example, suppose I have 2 layers Address (parent, table) and POI 
(child, point). The many-to-one relationship between these two layer 
could be set up like this:
     - ID, serial, PK
     - ...
     - ID, serial
     - ADDRESSID pointing to Address.ID

As far as I know, at present whithin the POI (child) form, an Address 
(parent) can only be referenced, not created, e.g. with Relation 
Reference widget. The parent must exist.


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