[Qgis-user] Auto-fill id in attribute table when creating a feature

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Tue May 31 06:22:17 PDT 2016

Hi Simon, 

For Shape, I don't know - I don't use Shapefiles, unless I am forced to.

One option would be to use SpatiaLite or Geopackage for production and
then export to Shape for delivery to your client. 

But maybe someonw else knows how to autoincrement ids for Shapefiles ...



On 2016-05-31 14:08, Simon Muirhead wrote:

> Hi Andreas, "create layer" > "new shape file layer" e.g. .shp 
> I've been waiting forever to be able to have gis software on my Mac! But I need to use .shp to send back to the office e.g. arcgis on PC. 
> Regards, Simon Muirhead
> Written from my Nexus 6P so don't expect Tolstoy.
> On 31 May 2016 22:04, "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
> Hi Simon, 
> It is a bit data provider dependent. For many data providers (e.g. Postgis, SpatiaLite, Geopackage) you just don't fill in this value (or better set the edit widget to "read only") - provided that the database has a sequence defined for the primary key column. The values are filled in when saving the data. In 2.16 there is a new mode for PostgreSQL to immediately get the id value (experimental). 
> What data format are you using? 
> Greetings, 
> Andreas 
> On 2016-05-31 13:43, Simon Muirhead wrote: 
> Hi, I am new to QGIS, coming from ARCGiS. I was wondering when creating a new feature in a shape file, QGIS asks to fill in the id in the attribute table for every feature created. Is there anyway to have this done automatically like ARCGiS does? 
> Regards, Simon Muirhead
> Written from my Nexus 6P so don't expect Tolstoy. 
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