[Qgis-user] Creating parent feature with geometry from child feature

Nicolas Boisteault boisteault at observatoire-environnement.org
Tue Nov 8 02:49:24 PST 2016


Hi List, 

I have two tables : 

 	* station : gid, geom (point)
 	* observation : id, id_station (foreign key)

There is a 1:N relation; for one station feature there are multiple
observation features. 
I add the relation between my two tables in QGIS -> project properties. 
I use the relation reference widget on id_station and check 'able the
add of new entities' (not sure about my english translation) 

So now when I create a new observation I can click the plus symbol to
add a station but I can't see how I can create the point geometry. I'm
not able to click the map. 

Any hint? Thank you all. 



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