[Qgis-user] How to synchronize GWC configuration

Toni Schönbuchner toni.schoenbuchner at csgis.de
Mon Nov 21 13:06:30 PST 2016


a Geonode 2.4 installation is not showing layers in Geoexplorer anymore.

I´ve recognized that the wms request response with an error saying.

„Could not locate a layer or layer group with id LayerInfoImpl--484e05d9:1460aec6751:-137f within GeoServer configuration
the GWC configuration seems to be out of synch“

Indeed I found a xml file within /usr/share/geoserver/data/gwc-layers/ which refers to a layer which
cannot be found in geonode, geoserver or postgresql.

after that I´ve tried

$ geonode updatelayers --remove-deleted

in hope it will remove leftovers but it failed with:

"'Failed to process coral_reef', AttributeError(\"'NoneType' object has no attribute 'default_style'\",)" <Exception:>

My question is which steps are needed to synchronize GWC configuration again?



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