[Qgis-user] Rules based style in QGIS 2.18.

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 14:49:00 PST 2016

On 22 November 2016 at 07:36, Erik Heinz <eh0907-qgis at 42net.de> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am having problems with some rule bases style definitions thad used to
> work up to 2.16 but do not work in 2.18 any more.  The elements in question
> are simply not drawn.  I could not figure out any logic in what does work
> and what does not.
> Are there any changes in rule syntax? Or removal of undocumented features?
> I could not find any in the Changelog. Or should I suspect and report a bug?
> I am back to 2.16.2 for the moment.

Can you share your rule definitions?


> Best regards,
> Erik
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