[Qgis-user] Using non ascii characters in PostgreSQL passwords

timosiegward.altemeier at stadt.wolfsburg.de timosiegward.altemeier at stadt.wolfsburg.de
Wed Nov 23 23:44:44 PST 2016

Hi all,

I getting an error message in QGIS 2.14 - 2.18 when I trying to login to a PostgreSQL db with passwords containing german umlauts (ü, ä, ö,) or special characters (e.g. €):

Connection to database failed
FATAL:  Passwort-Authentifizierung für Benutzer »timo« fehlgeschlagen

The Login into the webinterface phpPgAdmin works without any problems. Is there a solution for my error message or are only ascii characters in passwords supported in QGIS?



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