[Qgis-user] csv/csvt import

Siki Zoltan siki at agt.bme.hu
Sun Oct 30 06:46:39 PDT 2016

Dear Evan,

thanks, I could get the same result using org2ogr.
I would like to get point layer at the same time not "only" an attribute 


On Sat, 29 Oct 2016, Even Rouault wrote:

> Le samedi 29 octobre 2016 10:18:57, Siki Zoltan a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I tried to use csv/csvt files to add Delimited Text Layer.
>> The widths of the fields are not considered by QGIS when saving into other
>> formats. In the layer properties dialog the width and precision of fields
>> are zeros after loading csv/csvt. I suppose the width and precision of
>> fields should be preserved after reading of csv/csvt files.
>> I tested it in QGIS 2.2/2.8/2.14 but I got maximal width for fields
>> (depending on the field type, character 254, float 23.15) when I save the
>> file as a shapefile.
>> My csvt file:
>> "String(20)","Real(11.2)","Real(11.2)","Real(7.2)","String(20)","String(20)
>> "
>> My csv file:
>> point_id,e,n,z,pc,pt
>> 2002,650769.92,237368.68,104.560,,
>> 2004,650730.28,237418.54,104.520,,
>> 2005,650706.42,237412.43,104.270,,
>> 2006,650707.76,237449.22,104.590,,
>> Is it a feature or bug?
>> Any workaround?
> If you open through the OGR provider (Add vector layer), this will work. Note
> that the OGR CSV driver will warn (if you do ogrinfo for example) that the
> values in the z field do not respect the Real(7.2) formatting
> Even
> -- 
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> http://www.spatialys.com

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