[Qgis-user] Move many item to another page

DelazJ delazj at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 00:43:09 PDT 2016

Hi Carlos,

Simply select the items, copy/cut and paste them while your mouse is over
the target page.
Note that you can also use the shortcut of the "paste in place" to have the
items at the same place in the other page. Only the shortcut works, not
clicking the tool from the Edit menu.


2016-09-13 8:30 GMT+02:00 Carlos López PSIG <carlos.lopez at psig.es>:

> Good Morning,
> I need to move many items of the composition of one page to another. This
> is possible?
> There is a pull request about it? I open it?
> All the best,
> * <http://www.psig.es>*
> *Carlos López Quintanilla*
> www.psig.es
> carlos.lopez at psig.es
> +34 699.680.261
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