[Qgis-user] potential georeferencing changes in future?

Simon Muirhead simon at simsurf.com.au
Wed Sep 28 18:47:01 PDT 2016

Hi, I am finding myself using QGIS more and more over ARCGIS, but then
recently I was required to georefernce and old map to digitise, and looking
at the georeferncing tool, it looked rather painful and slow e.g. entering
in co-ordinates by hand and hoping it works? compared to ARCGIS where you
can do it visiually on the screen and see the results as each control point
is added. I ended up doing it in ARCGiS and then saving as a TIFF to open
in QGIS.  I realise georefercing is slowly becoming redundant, but are
there any plans to make georerencing in QGIS more friendly?

Regards, Simon Muirhead
Written from my Nexus 6P so don't expect Tolstoy.
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