[Qgis-user] potential georeferencing changes in future?

Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 20:26:09 PDT 2016

Hey Simon,

That is strange.  It's one of the handy features.   There is From Map
Canvas button that will swap the canvas to pick the points.

Which ones did you run into?


On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Simon Muirhead <simon at simsurf.com.au>

> Thanks Nathan! None of the tutorials I looked at mentioned that!
> On Thu., 29 Sep. 2016, 11:52 Nathan Woodrow, <madmanwoo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Simon,
>> There is a add point button at the top of the toolbar in the
>> georeferncer. You shouldn't have to enter points by hand ever really.
>> It will even snap to layers in the canvas
>> - nathan
>> On Thu, 29 Sep 2016 11:47 am Simon Muirhead <simon at simsurf.com.au> wrote:
>>> Hi, I am finding myself using QGIS more and more over ARCGIS, but then
>>> recently I was required to georefernce and old map to digitise, and looking
>>> at the georeferncing tool, it looked rather painful and slow e.g. entering
>>> in co-ordinates by hand and hoping it works? compared to ARCGIS where you
>>> can do it visiually on the screen and see the results as each control point
>>> is added. I ended up doing it in ARCGiS and then saving as a TIFF to open
>>> in QGIS.  I realise georefercing is slowly becoming redundant, but are
>>> there any plans to make georerencing in QGIS more friendly?
>>> --
>>> Regards, Simon Muirhead
>>> Written from my Nexus 6P so don't expect Tolstoy.
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> Regards, Simon Muirhead
> Written from my Nexus 6P so don't expect Tolstoy.
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