[Qgis-user] Can not install qgis-mapserver on CentOS 7

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Apr 14 04:36:39 PDT 2017

On 12-04-17 19:53, Julian Bogdani wrote:

> Am I missing anything? Should I install these dependencies manually? Or
> should I install some other package before?
> Any help would be much appreciated,

FYI: there is a rpm directory in the QGIS repo:


it contains some docs and spec files to be used to find dependencies.

I used the spec file some time ago to build QGIS-Desktop on CentOS 7:


Note that master is currently to become 3.0 so you probably use 2.18 or
2.14 branch



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