[Qgis-user] Layers not showing when .QGS file opened via shared drive

Baker, Matthew MATTHEW_BAKER at dpsk12.org
Wed Apr 19 14:51:56 PDT 2017

Hi all,

(Sending this again without an attachment)

I'm having an issue where a .QGS file created on a shared drive then opened from another computer doesn't display any of the layers, though the information seems to be still in the QGS file.

In the .QGS file linked below, when opened in notepad, I can see all the layer styling and connection information, but why doesn't it show the layers when opened in QGIS?


The map was created and opened using the same version of QGIS on both client machines.

Can anyone see if there is something missing from the file that is preventing the layers from displaying?



Matthew Baker
Denver Public Schools
Department of Planning and Analysis
matthew_baker at dpsk12.org<mailto:matthew_baker at dpsk12.org>
720-423-3419 / x33419

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