[Qgis-user] Exporting DB Manager Results to QGIS Map

Finbar Gillen finbar.gillen at vhi.ie
Wed Aug 9 02:13:18 PDT 2017

Hi all,

I have performed a Left Join within DB manager where I am joining an Oracle Table to a points dataset.

The point's dataset has 15000 records and the oracle table has 18,000 records, I am expecting about 5000 records to join.

When I am trying to do this the process is extremely slow and I have had to repeatedly close out of QGIS.

Has anyone else had a similar experience, and found a way round it? I am using QGIS 2.18.4.


Finbar Gillen
Data Analytics
Ext: 2166
Email: finbar.gillen at vhi.ie

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Vhi Group DAC (Vhi) is a holding company for insurance and healthcare services, which include Vhi Healthcare DAC, Vhi Insurance DAC, Vhi Health Services DAC and Vhi Investments DAC. Vhi Healthcare DAC trading as Vhi Healthcare and Vhi Insurance DAC trading as Vhi Insurance are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Vhi Healthcare is tied to Vhi Insurance DAC for health insurance in Ireland which is underwritten by Vhi Insurance DAC. Vhi Healthcare is tied to Zurich Life Assurance plc for Vhi Life Term Insurance which is underwritten by Zurich Life Assurance plc. Vhi Healthcare is tied to Collinson Insurance Services Limited for MultiTrip Travel Insurance, Backpacker Travel Insurance and Vhi Dental Insurance which are underwritten by Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK branch and for Vhi Canada Cover and Vhi International Health Insurance which are underwritten by Astrenska Insurance Limited. For more information about the Vhi Group please go to: https://www.vhi.ie/about-vhi. Tá Vhi Group DAC (Vhi) ina chuideachta sealbhaíochta le haghaidh seirbhísí árachais agus seirbhísí cúram sláinte, lena n-áirítear Vhi Healthcare DAC, Vhi Insurance DAC, Vhi Health Services DAC agus Vhi Investments DAC. Déanann Banc Ceannais na hÉireann rialáil ar Vhi Healthcare DAC, ag trádáil dó mar Vhi Healthcare, agus ar Vhi Insurance DAC, ag trádáil dó mar Vhi Insurance. Tá Vhi Healthcare ceangailte le Vhi Insurance DAC le haghaidh árachas sláinte in Éirinn, rud atá frithgheallta ag Vhi Insurance DAC. Tá Vhi Healthcare ceangailte le Zurich Life Assurance plc le haghaidh árachais saoil in Éirinn, rud atá frithgheallta ag Zurich Life Assurance plc. Tá Vhi Healthcare ceangailte le Collinson Insurance Services Limited le haghaidh Árachas Taistil Ilturais agus Turasóirí Mála Droma agus Árachas Fiaclóireachta de chuid Vhi atá frithgheallta ag Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK branch agus le haghaidh Clúdach Cheanada de chuid Vhi agus Árachas Sláinte Idirnáisiúnta de chuid Vhi atá frithgheallta ag Astrenska Insurance Limited. Chun tuilleadh faisnéise a fháil faoi Ghrúpa Vhi, tabhair cuairt ar: https://www.vhi.ie/about-vhi. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it contain information which may be confidential and which may also be privileged and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Unless you are the intended recipient you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. Any opinions expressed are that of the individual and not necessarily that of the Vhi Group. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender by return. 

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