[Qgis-user] SAGA processing Vectorising Raster Classes not working

José Carlos Martínez Llario jomarlla at cgf.upv.es
Mon Aug 28 03:58:43 PDT 2017

Hi List,
The SAGA Algorithm "Vectorising Raster Classes" is not working properly 
on QGIS 2.18.11 MS Windows 64 bits.
There is some missing parameter.

This is the log message:
//C:\QGIS\bin>saga_cmd shapes_grid "Vectorising Raster Classes" -GRID 




/##### ## ##### ##/


/### ### ## ###/


/### # ## ## #### # ##/


/### ##### ## # #####/


/##### # ## ##### # ##/





/SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)/




/Library: Grid Tools/


/Category: Shapes/


/File: C:\QGIS\apps\saga-ltr\modules\shapes_grid.dll/





/0 Add Grid Values to Points/


/1 Add Grid Values to Shapes/


/2 Grid Statistics for Polygons/


/3 Grid Values to Points/


/4 Grid Values to Points (randomly)/


/5 Contour Lines from Grid/


/6 Vectorising Grid Classes/


/7 Clip Grid with Polygon/


/8 Grid Statistics for Points/


/9 Local Minima and Maxima/


/10 Grid System Extent/


/11 Clip Grid with Rectangle/


/15 Gradient Vectors from Surface/


/16 Gradient Vectors from Direction and Length/


/17 Gradient Vectors from Directional Components/



/type -h or --help for further information/



/Error: select a tool/




José Carlos Martínez Llario

Producción Cartográfica y SIG.
Dpto. Ingeniería Cartográfica.
Univ. Politécnica de Valencia.

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