[Qgis-user] Anybody knows how to download OSM Turn Restrictions?

magerlin MAP at ramboll.dk
Wed Aug 30 01:31:53 PDT 2017

Like I can download and display road sections with attributes like speed from
OSM in QGIS I would like to be able to also show turn restrictions in
intersections like the data shown in this map: 
https://ahorn.lima-city.de/tr/ <https://ahorn.lima-city.de/tr/>  .

I know it has to do with the tag "Relation:restriction" in OSM but I do not
see the possibility to get these to QGIS in any of the OSM download/import
methods I am aware of.

Anybody have experiences in this?

Regards Morten

Currently using Qgis 2.18.12 (OSGeo4),
Windows 7, 64bit
Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-User-f4125267.html

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