[Qgis-user] Processing Model issue

Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
Mon Dec 4 03:42:17 PST 2017

Thanks for getting back.
If the steps in the model are done one after the other outside of model, 
the process works. Ive not run saga directly from the command line.


On 01/12/2017 20:32, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> On 1 December 2017 at 23:10, Richard McDonnell <richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ive an issue, which Im hoping someone could have a solution or point me in a direction of a solution.
>> We have developed a Processing model on QGIS 2.8, which interpolates a raster from points and subtracts the resultant from a DEM to produce a depth raster.
>> This tool works flawlessly in 2.8, but in 2.14, 2.18 and 2.99 it fails at the Raster Calculator stage, producing the same error. I have ran this using both GDAL and SAGA raster calculators, but no luck.
>> See attached error Logs.
>> I would appreciate any help in this.
>> Regards,
> Seems like the error is coming from SAGA:
> Error: grid: memory allocation failed [1545.94mb]
> If you run the SAGA command manually (via the command line), does it
> work? Maybe the error is due to a newer SAGA version, and unrelated to
> Nyall

*_Richard McDonnell_*
*GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI*
*OPW FRM Data Management*
*52 Stephens Green, Dublin 2.*
TEL: 01 6476543

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