[Qgis-user] Cool Features of QGIS

Kurt Menke kurt at birdseyeviewgis.com
Wed Dec 6 11:41:01 PST 2017

I wrote a blog post this spring called At Least 10 Reasons You Should Be
Using QGIS
about a talk by the same name I gave to my local GIS group.  95% were
ArcGIS users. People were really impressed by the features I covered. With
v3 coming out I could expand it greatly...but this covers some cool things
you can do with QGIS that you can't with Arc, and some things that are
simply easier in QGIS.


Kurt Menke, GISP
Bird’s Eye View
3016 Santa Clara Ave SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

www.BirdsEyeViewGIS.com <http://www.birdseyeviewgis.com/>
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