[Qgis-user] LiDAR Data in QGIS

Tyler Veinot tylerkveinot at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 04:27:00 PST 2017

But if I convert the DEM or DSM to geotiff I still wont get back the hit
order or the classification values will I? I will just have the data I have
as processed in a different format. What I really need is the original
LiDAR datasets if I am understanding this correctly.
As for DTM, DSM, and DEM, The province my municipality is in has decided
that; DTM is a surface model which includes surface features + ground hits
+ breaklines. A DEM is ground hits, and a DSM as is the surface + features
without added breaklines. I have found definitions online to support both
view points on the matter; just an FYI my text books agree with you on the
matter. I blame AutoCAD/CADD users for the discrepancies because, in my
experience according to the EIT's and other CADD users, a DTM is all of the
above and a DSM and DEM doesn't exist lol.
Thanks for the help on this;

On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Richard McDonnell <richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
> wrote:

> Morning Tyler.
> Nick is quite right. The files you have (ADF) are either DTM's or DSM's.
> They are processed datasets.
> To fix the GRASS, SAGA issue, you can use GDAL to convert them to GeoTiff,
> using the gdal_translate, which can be found in the Processing toolbox and
> will do it for a few using batch (Note Point one below).
> The other option would be to use the Script below to convert ADF to
> GeoTiff.
> *@echo off
> SET startpath=%1
> FOR /R %startpath% %%f IN (w001001.adf) do (call :translate "%%f")
> pause
> GOTO :eof
> :translate
>   SET var=%~dp1
>   ECHO Translating %var%hdr.adf to %var:~0,-1%.tif
>   gdal_translate -co "NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS" -co "TILED=YES" -co "COMPRESS=LZW" %var%hdr.adf %var:~0,-1%.tif*
> The tool/script works in the following way.
>    1. *ADF Image names are the containing folder name*
>    2. You must run this Batch in the Root folder for your ADFs (one level
>    up from the ADF files)
>    3. Paste/save the batch in the root folder
>    4. Open an instance of OSGeo4W Shell or its Linux counterpart navigate
>    to the root folder and run the script by typing *adf2tiff.bat*
>    5. It will start to write the Tiff files into the root folder.
> Hope this helps, or goes some way to helping.
> Regards
> Richard.
> --
> *Richard McDonnell*
> *GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI*
> <http://www.opw.ie/>
> Email Disclaimer: http://www.opw.ie/en/disclaimer/
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