[Qgis-user] how to repair incomplete gpx tracks

Georg Hörmann georg.hoermann at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 23:23:58 PST 2017

Hi Stefan,

I use GPX_Editor - not exactly QGis, but works for me.


Am 22.12.2017 um 10:21 schrieb Stefan Mueller:
> Hallo
> I have some incomplete gps recordings. For whatever reason the tracks 
> weren't recorded all way long, there are some gaps. I could easily 
> rebuild/repair them by means of satellite images if I knew how to do 
> that by means of QGIS.
> So I would like know what I have to do in order to alter an recorded gpx 
> track but without losing the timestamps. I want to:
>   * add tracks (track points)
>   * split tracks
>   * merge tracks
>   * add timestamps to manual added tracks/ track points based on the
>     original ones
>   * snaps tracks / track points to features (mainly roads) in osm or
>     google maps.
>   * export the altered records so that geosetter
>     <http://www.geosetter.de/en/> can read them flawless.
> thank you
> stefamn
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Georg Hoermann, Dep. of Hydrology, Ecology, Kiel University, Germany
+49/431/2190916, mo: +49/176/64335754, icq:348340729, skype: ghoermann

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