[Qgis-user] shapefile of Europe

Stephen Sacks sacks44 at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 1 07:28:53 PST 2017

I would be grateful if someone would tell me where I can get a shapefile
for the countries of eastern and western Europe.  I want just polygons of
country borders.  A few major cities would be nice, but I do NOT need
streets.  I'll want to be able to color each country according to my own
list of attributes.  I did find an ESRI  .lpk file, which I unzipped
using 7zip, but it does not seem to contain any shapefiles (two .gdb
folders containing dozens of files with extensions I don't know).
Geofabrik has individual European countries, including streets, but
that's more detail than I want.  Thanks for any advice you can offer.


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