[Qgis-user] Visualization of different raster formats (not 8-bit GeoTiffs) in QGis

Geco Enterprises gecochile at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 12:13:48 PST 2017


I have a continuing problem visualizing (the image does not appear on the
screen) various raster image formats in QGis including .bsq (ENVI native
format) and 32-bit GeoTiifs.

I have searched various forums and found ​that having the wrong CSR can
cause this, but this is not the case (and I also set "On-the-fly

The images are definitely there:  No error message on opening. In
Properties the band statistics and extent data are correct, the "miniature"
preview is visible, band histograms calculate data values.

But such images are invisible to the eye.

Any advise appreciated.

Could there be a memory issue?

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