[Qgis-user] Ubuntugis SAGA update to 2.31: Save to install?

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Mon Feb 13 09:55:56 PST 2017

Hi Bernd,

Am 13.02.2017 um 18:43 schrieb Bernd Vogelgesang:
> Hi,
> just saw that there is now a SAGA update offered from 2.27 to 2.31 from
> ubuntugis.
> As I had almost always trouble with those updates, I now would like to
> ask beforehand if this will break again the functionalities of the
> toolbox, or if it is save to install.
> Or if there are workarounds in case it doesn't work?
> Am on Linux Mint 18 with QGIS 2.14.11

I have SAGA 2.3.1 running with QGIS 2.18.3 on Ubuntu 16.10 without 
ubuntugis dependencies for some time now, and it does not throw me out 
with the vector tool I tried. It might well be that some algs parameters 
have been changed in SAGA, but not yet in processing.

If you depend on certain features, put Ubuntugis in a virtual box, and 
try it with some test projects of yours.

André Joost

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