[Qgis-user] Simple methodology for user / data / map interactivity?

SEGGIE Graeme gseggie at systra.com
Thu Feb 23 09:48:34 PST 2017

I would like to use QGIS as a visual / interactive front to some PostGIS data and am not sure what the best route to doing so is. Happy to explore further myself, but wanted to get some input on what needs to be joined up to get started on building a little process.

Basically, if I wanted to present a map of features and have a button (like the attribute information one) which a user would click then use to select features, I want this to run a SQL query which to get related features for example and highlight them on the map view, possibly pan to the extent of the newly selected feature set.

Does this sound like a plugin - or would that be taking things too far?

Would the best way for the dynamic layer to be setup, to be a view - empty except when populated by the query and styled to be dominant over the full set of features?

As a simple example, say I had a district zone system of polygons and I wanted a user to be able to click on any polygon, and have all the neighbouring polygons highlighted, centred and fill the map view as fully as possible. What would be the best / simplest approach to this?


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