[Qgis-user] QGIS to manage cadastre

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Jan 5 12:31:45 PST 2017


QGIS is a GIS platform just like ArcGIS is.

In order to manage cadastral data you need a data model, a spatial 
database with relations, functions and triggers - and forms that can 
handle 1:1, 1:n and n:m relations. QGIS in conjunction with Postgis, 
offers all of that. On top of that you probably need some application 
logic that can handle survey data, calculations and net adjustments.

ArcGIS can't handle cadastral data without a proper data model and 
application logic. So you would have to buy ArcGIS, and on top of that 
you have to buy an application that can handle cadastral and survey 
data. It doesn't come out of the box without the need for customization 
and improvements.

QGIS doesn't offer such a complete solution, but it would be possible to 
build one. There are similar projects for handling water and waste-water 
utility documentation (see projects qWat and QGEP). It is a lot of work 
and takes time. These projects are typically under constant development.

If you are ready to invest time or finances and ideally team up with 
other organizations, then yes, QGIS could be used to handle cadastral 
data. In fact, a swiss company is starting to work on a solution for 
managing cadastral data in colombia, on top of QGIS and Postgis - but it 
is at the very beginning. If you want to join that effort, I can put you 
in touch.


On 05.01.2017 20:09, N wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to know if there is any country that uses QGIS to manage 
> the cadastral maps of the country.
> ArcGIS seems to be what other countries are using for Cadastre.
> Can QGIS be used to manage the cadastre of a country??
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