[Qgis-user] The legend for added categories to rules is lost in the process

Laurence Béchet bechet.laurence at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 19:10:18 PST 2017


I'm using the rule-based style with refine selected rules to display a 
map of bird sightings, with different symbol shapes and colors for each 
bird, linked to categories (pairs, banded birds ,etc ...).

Because of the current user request #10479 (It would be good that when 
'Refine current rule' is used that the refinements respect the original 
rule that they are based on) I have to go through 'complex'  rules so 
that I get only the needed categories selected.

When I'm at the level of refining the selected rule, I can edit the ' 
Legend'  of the category in that sub window (I have Symbol | Value | 
Legend), but once I select ok and get redirected to the Layer property 
style, the legend is lost (it becomes Label | Rule | etc...).

I would have expected that the /legend /is transferred to the /label 
/..... because I end up with legends like: "/if (Bands = '2 banded' or ( 
"Bands" = 'banded' AND  "Pair" = 'S'), "Name" ,"") = 'Aumangea & 
Thurley'/" -  What I wanted was just the name of the birds which I want 
to be displayed in the composer. The only way I found is to edit 
manually all my bird names, one after the other in the composer's legend ...

Would someone have a smarter way to do it? Can it be considered as a bug 
or a new feature?
Laurence Bechet
*ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator**
**Cascades Ranger Station**
Falls Road, Waitakere* **
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