[Qgis-user] problems with 'geometry creator'

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sun Jun 11 09:03:06 PDT 2017

Dear *Matthias*!

Am So, 11.06.2017, 12:25 schrieb Matthias Kuhn:

[switching order of the original mail]

> It also helps a lot to answer with the correct name of the person who
> responded. While this technically doesn't solve any current issues, it
> considerably improves the chances of receiving answers to future
> questions ;)

I really have to apologize for naming you "Martin" and not following
your recommendation. Actually, I was in a hurry and wanted to answer
the mail before being unavailable for some hours (until now).

> Most often it actually helps a lot if you follow the advice you
> receive. Sometimes - if you are lucky - they even produce better
> results for you than trying random things.

Actually, I'm not trying to do random things. Have a look at this:

As you can see, the function should return "a LineString or
MultiLineString geometry, where any connected LineStrings from
the input geometry have been merged into a single linestring."

The example also shoes input being "MULTILINESTRING". So my testcase
wasn't as random as you might expect.

Best regards,

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