[Qgis-user] Processing documentaton and help

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sat Mar 4 05:21:03 PST 2017

Am Sa, 4.03.2017, 12:19 schrieb johnrobot:
> - Most tools seem to lack description in the help tab. Are there any
> guidelines on what must be included in this tab? Is it up the the
> supplier of the tool or can others help to create and improve the
> documentation as well?

I agree. That's totally annoying for any tools used in QGIS. I would
like to spend some time to describe features.

That's what I love about ArcGIS. You're clicking in a field and the
help immediately gives an explanation, what to enter in there.

In the "buffer" function, f.e. nobody knows if you need to enter
meters oder kilometers or degrees (FYI meters for metric projections).

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