[Qgis-user] Embed layers and groups

Régis Haubourg regis.haubourg at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 10:52:28 PST 2017

Oh yes, I just saw that but didn't test it yet. Good move indeed!

Le 10 mars 2017 7:40 PM, "Germán Carrillo" <carrillo.german at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi All,
> just to let you know that I recently wrote a plugin called "Copy layers
> and groups to clipboard", which also creates an "unlinked copy" of
> layers/groups from other projects.
> Regards,
> Germán
> ------------
> [1] http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/CopyLayersAndGroupsToClipboard/
> 2017-03-10 12:31 GMT-05:00 Régis Haubourg <regis.haubourg at gmail.com>:
>> Hi guys,
>> Paul Blottiere submitted a pull request to solve that issue here
>> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/4247
>> If it is doing the work and merged, that would deserve backporting to
>> 2.18 branch.
>> And yes that issue deserves to be more advertised and also extended to a
>> unlinked "copy" mode.
>> Wiring it in browser would be a nice way to make it more known too.
>> Side note: There is already a plugin called layers menu from project to
>> build menu shortcuts to other's project layers. I can't live without it
>> now, pushing that into core would be nice, if someone's willing to fund
>> that, qgis devs would probably be happy to tackle that
>> Le 10 mars 2017 3:19 PM, "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neumann at carto.net> a
>> écrit :
>>> Hi Harrissou,
>>> Thanks for tackling this in the documentation.
>>> Some remarks:
>>> - embedded layers are shown with "italic" labels in the layer tree to
>>> distinguish them from regular layers.
>>> - all layer properties are "read only", not only styling and labeling,
>>> but also any other properties, like field aliases, display values, actions,
>>> etc. That's why the layer properties can't be shown to avoid that the user
>>> changes stuff which can't be saved in the project.
>>> - if the master project uses an alternative rendering order (defined in
>>> the layer order panel of the master project), the layer ordering in the
>>> project where the layers are embedded can only be retained "en bloc" and
>>> only if you embed the parent group and not individual layers
>>> It may even be that you'll have to also activate the alternative
>>> rendering order in the client project if you want to retain, but I am not
>>> 100% sure. I just remember that it gave me headaches with the layer
>>> rendering order in the past, because it was a bit buggy. Should work well
>>> meanwhile though.
>>> Andreas
>>> On 2017-03-10 12:05, DelazJ wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Actually it's not a new feature. Has been there since.... (available in
>>> 1.8 documentation http://docs.qgis.org/1.8/en/do
>>> cs/user_manual/introduction/general_tools.html#nesting-projects)
>>> And as you can see, the documentation has neither been improved since.
>>> Given your discussion I tried to put some highlights on the feature and
>>> any review is welcome https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-D
>>> ocumentation/issues/1748 I'm more a default style user than an embedded
>>> layer one so if I miss some advantages in this feature please, let me know.
>>> Laurence, I didn't check if you had reported the issues yet, otherwise I
>>> think removal of some items can be added:
>>> - Layer menu --> Labeling
>>> - when right-clicking an embedded layer --> Style.
>>> Given that the Layer Properties dialog is not availbale, there are some
>>> actions like "Set Scale visibility of layer", "Set layer CRS", "Filter"
>>> (that belong to the Properties --> General menu) that make me fail to
>>> understand the real scope of an embedded layer. Are they supposed to be
>>> grayed too or not? What kind of changes are really allowed on such a layer
>>> or what is really kept from the "source" file?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Harrissou
>>> 2017-03-09 21:07 GMT+01:00 Laurence Béchet <bechet.laurence at gmail.com>:
>>>> Thanks Andrea. I'll create them.
>>>> These are not big issues and easy to work around as a user.
>>>> I agree with you this new embedded layers feature is awesome and for
>>>> little mapping projects like Ark in the Park they are very useful as I have
>>>> my layout already ready and just need to add what i want to plots: bird
>>>> territories or past control results or ..... Also if something in the
>>>> layout changes (new track, pest control grid altered) I only need to modify
>>>> the 'master' map and it is propagated to all the other maps. Worth a try!
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Laurence
>>>> ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
>>>> Cascades Ranger Station
>>>> Falls Road, Waitakere
>>>> Phone:  (09) 810 7014
>>>> www.arkinthepark.org.nz  www.forestandbird.org.nz
>>>> On 9/03/2017 10:58 p.m., Neumann, Andreas wrote:
>>>> Hi Laurence,
>>>> I can confirm both issues.
>>>> Embedded groups show empty (without the layers, only the groups are
>>>> displayed) in QGIS 3 and they are stylable in the styling dock in 2.18 when
>>>> they shouldn't be stylable.
>>>> However, if your restyle embedded layers in the styling dock, they are,
>>>> of course not saved back to the original layers. This would be dangerous
>>>> and probably unwanted in most cases.
>>>> The styling dock is fairly new and probably the devs where not aware
>>>> about the embedded layers feature.
>>>> Can you please issue bug reports for both issues?
>>>> Embedded layers and groups are probably not used that much in the wild,
>>>> but I find them incredibly useful. It is one of my favourite QGIS feature
>>>> and saves you tons of work if you can re-use background layers from other
>>>> projects, while still being able to identify these layers or snap to them.
>>>> Unfortunately, many users and devs are not aware of this feature and it
>>>> doesn't get much attention.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Andreas
>>>> On 2017-03-08 22:10, Laurence Béchet wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to use the embed layers and groups feature.
>>>> I'm running on Windows8 pro 64bits.
>>>> I have created a new project and I am loading a group of layers which
>>>> are my background (streams, lakes, etc ..) in a main project.
>>>> QGIS 2.18.4 QGIS code revision 59c1d21:
>>>> I get the group loaded nicely. As expected, I cannot access the
>>>> properties if I double click on the layer. However, if I have the layer
>>>> styling panel open, I can change the style ... I have not checked what
>>>> happens to the main project.  Question 1: Is this normal?
>>>> QGIS version 2.99.0-Master QGIS code revision 5a543e4:
>>>> The group appears in the layers panel but none of the layers are
>>>> displayed. Question 2: Is this normal?
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Laurence Bechet
>>>> ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
>>>> Cascades Ranger Station
>>>> Falls Road, Waitakere
>>>> Phone:  (09) 810 7014
>>>> www.arkinthepark.org.nz  www.forestandbird.org.nz
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