[Qgis-user] Embed layers and groups

Fuenfer-Koenigstein.Benjamin at swm.de Fuenfer-Koenigstein.Benjamin at swm.de
Mon Mar 13 02:29:39 PDT 2017


Another interesting point about the embed layers feature is how it reacts to project variables. I use project variables for colors, symbol sizes etc. a lot, for example many layers with similar colors, so I only have to change the variable and not the color in every layer. I just tested how embedded layers behave. Outcome: project variable in ‘child project’ is recognized by embedded layers. Means that if there is no variable with same name, default color/value of embedded layer is taken, if there is a variable with same name but different value, this value is taken.

Irrespective of that, I think the embed layers plugin (as already mentioned here) is absolutely underestimated until now. It’s a very powerful tool and can deliver lot of work saving and useful functionality. It might be worth to start a wider discussion about what people expect from it and which use cases the feature might be used for.

To start I describe one use case here:

I create a background map with complex styling using dozens of layers. First, I create the ‘super extended, very colorful’ version. Then, I will embed this main version in other projects to create different versions for different applications, for example a b/w version, a version with less information and pale colors, and another version with different labeling font. If I do major changes in the main version (for example change layer source or ad another class to rule based styling), they are adopted by child projects automatically. That’s very useful because I don’t have to maintain every version manually. This shows that it’s not always considered bad if changes in embedded layers are possible (as long as they don’t affect main project). But of course, individual control about which properties are read only and which can be overridden by child projects would be helpful.


Von: Qgis-user [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] Im Auftrag von DelazJ
Gesendet: Samstag, 11. März 2017 11:04
An: Laurence Béchet
Cc: QGIS list
Betreff: Re: [Qgis-user] Embed layers and groups

2017-03-10 22:27 GMT+01:00 Laurence Béchet <bechet.laurence at gmail.com<mailto:bechet.laurence at gmail.com>>:

What might be more worrisome is that these embedded layers can be edited in the 'child' project and modified .... another bug?
I'm not sure this is a bug. I'd expect to be able to modify the data (e.g. because the area i'm working on was not yet covered by the data). What you embed is the way the layer is set in the master project (its rendering and constraints).
However, recent QGIS have an option in Project Properties --> Identify features to set read-only a layer in the project and avoid features modification. Might be worth testing if this option is followed in the child project. If not, this would be a bug imho


On 11/03/2017 6:31 a.m., Régis Haubourg wrote:
Hi guys,
Paul Blottiere submitted a pull request to solve that issue here

If it is doing the work and merged, that would deserve backporting to 2.18 branch.

And yes that issue deserves to be more advertised and also extended to a unlinked "copy" mode.
Wiring it in browser would be a nice way to make it more known too.

Side note: There is already a plugin called layers menu from project to build menu shortcuts to other's project layers. I can't live without it now, pushing that into core would be nice, if someone's willing to fund that, qgis devs would probably be happy to tackle that

Le 10 mars 2017 3:19 PM, "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neumann at carto.net<mailto:a.neumann at carto.net>> a écrit :

Hi Harrissou,

Thanks for tackling this in the documentation.

Some remarks:

- embedded layers are shown with "italic" labels in the layer tree to distinguish them from regular layers.

- all layer properties are "read only", not only styling and labeling, but also any other properties, like field aliases, display values, actions, etc. That's why the layer properties can't be shown to avoid that the user changes stuff which can't be saved in the project.

- if the master project uses an alternative rendering order (defined in the layer order panel of the master project), the layer ordering in the project where the layers are embedded can only be retained "en bloc" and only if you embed the parent group and not individual layers

It may even be that you'll have to also activate the alternative rendering order in the client project if you want to retain, but I am not 100% sure. I just remember that it gave me headaches with the layer rendering order in the past, because it was a bit buggy. Should work well meanwhile though.


On 2017-03-10 12:05, DelazJ wrote:
Actually it's not a new feature. Has been there since.... (available in 1.8 documentation http://docs.qgis.org/1.8/en/docs/user_manual/introduction/general_tools.html#nesting-projects)
And as you can see, the documentation has neither been improved since.
Given your discussion I tried to put some highlights on the feature and any review is welcome https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues/1748 I'm more a default style user than an embedded layer one so if I miss some advantages in this feature please, let me know.
Laurence, I didn't check if you had reported the issues yet, otherwise I think removal of some items can be added:
- Layer menu --> Labeling
- when right-clicking an embedded layer --> Style.
Given that the Layer Properties dialog is not availbale, there are some actions like "Set Scale visibility of layer", "Set layer CRS", "Filter" (that belong to the Properties --> General menu) that make me fail to understand the real scope of an embedded layer. Are they supposed to be grayed too or not? What kind of changes are really allowed on such a layer or what is really kept from the "source" file?

2017-03-09 21:07 GMT+01:00 Laurence Béchet <bechet.laurence at gmail.com<mailto:bechet.laurence at gmail.com>>:
Thanks Andrea. I'll create them.
These are not big issues and easy to work around as a user.

I agree with you this new embedded layers feature is awesome and for little mapping projects like Ark in the Park they are very useful as I have my layout already ready and just need to add what i want to plots: bird territories or past control results or ..... Also if something in the layout changes (new track, pest control grid altered) I only need to modify the 'master' map and it is propagated to all the other maps. Worth a try!

Kind regards
ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014
www.arkinthepark.org.nz<http://www.arkinthepark.org.nz>  www.forestandbird.org.nz<http://www.forestandbird.org.nz>
On 9/03/2017 10:58 p.m., Neumann, Andreas wrote:

Hi Laurence,

I can confirm both issues.

Embedded groups show empty (without the layers, only the groups are displayed) in QGIS 3 and they are stylable in the styling dock in 2.18 when they shouldn't be stylable.

However, if your restyle embedded layers in the styling dock, they are, of course not saved back to the original layers. This would be dangerous and probably unwanted in most cases.

The styling dock is fairly new and probably the devs where not aware about the embedded layers feature.

Can you please issue bug reports for both issues?

Embedded layers and groups are probably not used that much in the wild, but I find them incredibly useful. It is one of my favourite QGIS feature and saves you tons of work if you can re-use background layers from other projects, while still being able to identify these layers or snap to them.

Unfortunately, many users and devs are not aware of this feature and it doesn't get much attention.



On 2017-03-08 22:10, Laurence Béchet wrote:

I'm trying to use the embed layers and groups feature.
I'm running on Windows8 pro 64bits.
I have created a new project and I am loading a group of layers which are my background (streams, lakes, etc ..) in a main project.

QGIS 2.18.4 QGIS code revision 59c1d21:
I get the group loaded nicely. As expected, I cannot access the properties if I double click on the layer. However, if I have the layer styling panel open, I can change the style ... I have not checked what happens to the main project.  Question 1: Is this normal?

QGIS version 2.99.0-Master QGIS code revision 5a543e4:
The group appears in the layers panel but none of the layers are displayed. Question 2: Is this normal?

Kind regards
Laurence Bechet

ARK IN THE PARK Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Cascades Ranger Station
Falls Road, Waitakere
Phone:  (09) 810 7014
www.arkinthepark.org.nz<http://www.arkinthepark.org.nz>  www.forestandbird.org.nz<http://www.forestandbird.org.nz>
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